Grant funds help United Way for Jackson & George Counties communicate using video

United Way for Jackson & George Counties (UWJGC) is adding video as a way to reach its clients and donors.


A $2,500 Singing River Electric Neighbors Helping Neighbors Community Grant funded items for a mobile multimedia kit, including a digital camera, gimbal stabilizer, microphones, speakers, projector, and 80-inch screen.


The multimedia kit will allow the UWJGC staff and its 17 partner agencies to record and broadcast their work and events from the field and utilize YouTube and Facebook Live to stream.


“During COVID, we realized the importance of remote and outdoor setups. This multimedia system will allow us to reach donors across the globe while also demonstrating the boots-on-the-ground efforts to those in our backyard,” explains Tee McCovey, president and CEO of United Way for Jackson & George Counties.


For more information on Singing River Electric’s Neighbors Helping Neighbors Community Grant program, visit The next application deadline is May 12, 2023.


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