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Text a member service representative (MSR) at 228-591-9166.

You can also text OUT to 601-947-1744 to report a power outage.

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How can we help?

Whether it is setting up new service, showing you how to take control of your power bill with the SmartHub app, discussing our free energy audits, or completing a request for new outdoor lighting, we have the energy services that make your life easier.

Looking to save money this fall?

Check out these cooler weather tips to help keep your home comfortable.

Dad and son planting tree in backyard. Photo includes wheel barrow, shovel and pail.

Safety At Home

It's easy to forget the risks, especially when you can’t see the dangers.
Be aware everywhere, and stay safe around electricity.

Crew at construction site and construction equipment. Photo includes caution sign about underground power lines

Safety At Work

Be Aware. Everywhere. Keep at least ten feet away from overhead power lines and call 811 before you dig to avoid underground lines.

We love your energy.

And we think you're going to love ours. So let's work together: Singing River Electric was built by the communities we serve - and by members like you.

Energizing Economic Development

Singing River Electric is committed to economic development as an important way of improving the communities we serve. We support our local economies and work to create new jobs in two ways: building infrastructure necessary to reliably support our business and industry needs both today and tomorrow, and working aggressively to match local economic development projects with U.S. Department of Agriculture rural development loans and grants.

Do you have unclaimed capital credits?
Capital credits are a benefit of co-op membership.

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Thunderstorms are expected to begin soon and continue through the night. Our area is also under a wind advisory and a tornado watch.

If you have a power outage, report it through the SmartHub app (singingriver.com/smarthub), by texting OUT to 601-947-1744, or by calling any SRE office.
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Thunderstorms are expected to begin soon and continue through the night. Our area is also under a wind advisory and a tornado watch. 

If you have a power outage, report it through the SmartHub app (singingriver.com/smarthub), by texting OUT to 601-947-1744, or by calling any SRE office.Image attachment

Did you know that Mississippi has its own Arbor Day?

Singing River Electric celebrated #MississippiArborDay by donating trees to the Jackson County Recreation Department and planting trees at The City of Lucedale's City Park.


#community #MSArborDay
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Did you know that Mississippi has its own Arbor Day?

Singing River Electric celebrated #MississippiArborDay by donating trees to the Jackson County Recreation Department and planting trees at The City of Lucedales City Park.


#community #MSArborDayImage attachment

Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you to everyone who showed appreciation to our linemen for all they do to keep our lights on. We shared over 900 valentines!

We have valentines waiting on our linemen who are aiding Dixie Electric after tornadoes damaged their system.

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Happy Valentines Day! Thank you to everyone who showed appreciation to our linemen for all they do to keep our lights on. We shared over 900 valentines!

We have valentines waiting on our linemen who are aiding Dixie Electric after tornadoes damaged their system.

#ValentinesDayImage attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

Thank you God Bless

How cool!!!! I love it!!

Thankful for all you do!!

It's #CrewFollowFriday!

Crews are on Fork Road in George County where they are changing out poles, upgrading existing copper lines to aluminum, and installing new outdoor lights. We regularly inspect our system and make upgrades and improvements that increase reliability for our members.


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Its #CrewFollowFriday!

Crews are on Fork Road in George County where they are changing out poles, upgrading existing copper lines to aluminum, and installing new outdoor lights. We regularly inspect our system and make upgrades and improvements that increase reliability for our members.


#thankalinemanImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Thank you linemen. Y'all do awesome work!

Our service area was thankfully spared from tornado damage from yesterday’s storms, but our neighbors to the north were not so fortunate.

Thirteen of our linemen will be working in Wayne County’s Beat Four area today where a tornado touched down and broke more than 70 poles in Dixie Electric Power Association's service area. Their outage number is low at 213, but changing out that many poles and restringing the power lines will be long, tedious work that our linemen are ready to tackle until power restoration is complete.

Our prayers are with the people who live in this area and for all the linemen working on their behalf.

#cooperationamongcooperatives #poweron
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Our service area was thankfully spared from tornado damage from yesterday’s storms, but our neighbors to the north were not so fortunate.

Thirteen of our linemen will be working in Wayne County’s Beat Four area today where a tornado touched down and broke more than 70 poles in Dixie Electric Power Associations service area. Their outage number is low at 213, but changing out that many poles and restringing the power lines will be long, tedious work that our linemen are ready to tackle until power restoration is complete.

Our prayers are with the people who live in this area and for all the linemen working on their behalf.

#cooperationamongcooperatives #poweron

14 CommentsComment on Facebook

Thank you!

It’s great to see you all helping our neighbors. Prayers for safety and endurance while everyone works to get the job done.

Thanks for your help! We appreciate it more than you know! 🙏

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Photos can often tell the story better than words. Follow our Instagram page at singingriverelectric for the latest information.

Thunderstorms are expected to begin soon and continue through the night. Our area is also under a wind advisory. 

If you have a power outage, report it through the SmartHub app (singingriver.com/smarthub), by texting OUT to 601-947-1744, or by calling any SRE office.

Thunderstorms are expected to begin soon and continue through the night. Our area is also under a wind advisory.

If you have a power outage, report it through the SmartHub app (singingriver.com/smarthub), by texting OUT to 601-947-1744, or by calling any SRE office.

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Our service area was thankfully spared from tornado damage from yesterday’s storms, but our neighbors to the north were not so fortunate.

Thirteen of our linemen will be working in Wayne County’s Beat Four area today where a tornado touched down and broke more than 70 poles in Dixie Electric's service area. Their outage number is low at 213, but changing out that many poles and restringing the power lines will be long, tedious work that our linemen are ready to tackle until power restoration is complete.

Our prayers are with the people who live in this area and for all the linemen working on their behalf.

#cooperationamongcooperatives #poweron

Our service area was thankfully spared from tornado damage from yesterday’s storms, but our neighbors to the north were not so fortunate.

Thirteen of our linemen will be working in Wayne County’s Beat Four area today where a tornado touched down and broke more than 70 poles in Dixie Electric`s service area. Their outage number is low at 213, but changing out that many poles and restringing the power lines will be long, tedious work that our linemen are ready to tackle until power restoration is complete.

Our prayers are with the people who live in this area and for all the linemen working on their behalf.

#cooperationamongcooperatives #poweron

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