My Community
Neighbors Helping Neighbors Community Grants
Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) Community Grants help Singing River Electric merge efforts with the hard work of those within our communities.
Through this program, two to three grants for up to $2,500 each are awarded three times a year in January, May and September. Singing River Electric will fund a maximum value equal to eight (8) grants in a calendar year. Grants are available to non-profit organizations helping communities within Singing River Electric’s service territory in education, civic, community development and economic development. Applications are due the second Friday of the month in which grants are being accepted.
Since the program’s inception in 2001, grant monies have been used to purchase playground equipment, car seats, computers, books to teach adults and children to read, and to support projects locally, among other causes. The idea of “neighbors helping neighbors” emerged after Hurricane Georges when Singing River Electric witnessed firsthand neighbors lending a hand to those in need.

NHN Community Grant Application Criteria
Applications are accepted year-round. Two to three grants for up to $2,500 each will be awarded three times a year in January, May, and September. Singing River Electric will fund a maximum value equal to eight (8) grants in a calendar year.
Grant application deadline dates for 2025 are:
- January 10
- May 9
- September 12
Unfortunately, even if all guidelines and funding criteria are met, funding cannot be guaranteed to all applicants due to finite resources. Deadlines are close of business on the second Friday of the month in which you are applying. Applicants will be notified of acceptance approximately one month after the application deadline. Once received, applications will remain on file and active for the two following grant application periods, if applicable, or until timeline of the request has expired.
Organizations must be non-profit and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (501c3). Projects must support education, community and civic development, or economic development. Requests for disposable items such as brochures or other types of paper, travel, training, salaries, scholarships, giveaway items, intangible items, as well as general operating expenses and any intent to redistribute funds, are discouraged.
Submit a letter with a proposal (three pages or less) including all of the following information:
- Organization name, location, contact name and contact information (including address, phone, fax and email).
- Brief statement describing the organization (its mission, major accomplishments, history, area and population served).
- Requested amount and specific use of requested funds, including what percentage of the total program need would be met by the Singing River Electric NHN Grant.
- Brief description of goals, issues to be addressed and what the project will accomplish.
- Identification of target recipients. Describe who will benefit from the project (if students, how many, what grade levels).
- Time line of activities. What will be completed and when?
- Qualifications of project leader. Who will plan and implement project?
- Means of measuring and evaluation program.
- Detailed project budget including all other sources of income.
- Vendor quotes for all requested items; this can include web page links and screen shots of online shopping carts.
- Copy of tax determination letter from IRS.
- Any additional information, including Singing River Electric employee(s) involved in the organization, past partnerships or projects involving Singing River Electric.
- A supporting letter or approval statement from the head of your school or organization.
Additional information may be requested. Proposal materials cannot be returned.
By accepting the grant, the organization agrees to recognize Singing River Electric as supporter in all advertising/promotions for project and gives Singing River Electric the right to publicize the project. Singing River Electric reserves the right not to award grants at any deadline, should they decide no applicants fit required guidelines. Preference will be given to organizations within Singing River Electric’s service area. Singing River Electric favors proposals that address a well-defined program need. If awarded a grant, funds must be spent on the selected project within six months of receiving the grant check.
Submit application proposals by email to or by mail to: Stephanie Chisholm, Singing River Electric NHN Community Grant Program, P.O. Box 767, Lucedale, MS 39452-0767