SRE board approves to move beyond the SR Connect fiber pilot phase

Singing River Electric’s board of directors approved the expansion of fiber-to-the-home service beyond the initial pilot projects. This second phase will bring the total miles of fiberoptic cable to nearly 2,000 and potentially reach more than 12,000 fiber subscribers in George, Greene, Jackson, Perry, and Wayne counties.

“The decision to move forward was based on the success of our three ongoing pilot projects,” said Singing River Electric General Manager and CEO, Brian Hughey. “The percentage of those electing to take the service has been higher than expected, and subscribers are amazed at what they are now experiencing.”

Singing River Connect (SR Connect), a fiber subsidiary of Singing River Electric, has received numerous comments from subscribers within the pilot areas stating they are receiving a product that is “clear, crisp and flawless” and that they are “actually getting the speeds they signed up for.” More importantly, fiber subscribers are stating, “it was worth the wait.” This statement shows appreciation for a quality product, and the efficient, professional customer service that Singing River Electric strives to provide to our electric members and now our fiber subscribers.


“As for the pilot areas, Singing River Electric’s board has also given the go-ahead to bring fiber-to-the-home service to the entire Aleco and Agricola substation areas,” said Hughey. “Originally, only two of the four feeders, or power line sections, were included in the pilot (Phase 1). With that, we are excited to serve not only all the Brewer substation area in Greene/Perry counties but all of the Aleco (NE Vancleave, Lake O Pines, Vestry, and Larue communities) and Agricola (Agricola and portions of Cooks Corner communities) substation areas in Jackson and George counties. Fiber construction in these areas will begin soon and precede Phase 2.


SR Connect will announce Phase 2 areas within George, Jackson, Greene, Perry, and Wayne counties in the coming months through the website and social media channels. Your patience is appreciated as we strive to build the most reliable fiber-to-the-home network and provide affordable fiber service and excellent customer service to our local communities. This is what our Singing River Electric membership has expected and received over the past 84 years.

Thank you for your support of SR Connect fiber service and Singing River Electric. Future phases of this fiber-to-the-home project depend on the continued success of member subscriptions. We also will be exploring potential funding opportunities through federal and state grant programs.

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