Considering rooftop solar?
We want to be your trusted source for power and information about solar and renewable energies. Download and have your solar installer complete the appropriate application and interconnection agreements to be returned to us.
Tom Davis, P.E.
Manager of Engineering
601-947-4211, x2252
Gabe Robbins
Energy Services Representative
601-947-4211, x2054
Stay safe around solar panels.
A solar panel’s disconnect switch only disconnects the home from the panel. If the sun is shining, the panels still generate power and can cause a shock.
- Keep a safe distance from solar panels—at least 10 feet.
- Don’t walk on solar panels.
- Don’t cut any wiring.
- Don’t touch broken panels.
- Circle the building. Follow any solar-identified electrical conduit to locate solar panels.
- If possible, disconnect the panels. The panels will still generate power.
- Cover the panels. Use a black or blue tarp to block any light shining onto the panels.
- Spray water, if needed to extinguish a fire safely.
- Call 911 and notify the operator that you have solar panels.
- If possible, disconnect the solar array. The panels will still generate power.
- Wait for first responders. Remind them that you have solar panels.
Why Solar?
An Introduction to Solar Energy
Solar Education
How does a solar panel convert sunlight to electricity? How many light bulbs can be powered by one panel? And why does this matter? Simple. It’s because solar energy is one of the leading fuel sources of the future.
That’s why we’re passionate about providing education on solar energy. Our Members Singing River Electric and Coast Electric are developing innovative educational programs to spread the word about solar. By hosting school and community groups and conducting solar site tours, we’re teaching the community about solar power in fun, entertaining and memorable ways. Check it out!
Interpretive site signs explain the solar process in an “at-a-glance” format.
Our Member small-scale solar sites at Singing River Electric are open for group tours. Schedule one today!