It has been said that “knowledge is power.” And that’s is exactly what Singing River Electric’s SmartHub app offers: knowledge and power. This free app offers members access to their home’s daily kilowatt-hour readings and gives insight into how outside…
Amanda Parker (page 13)
Check Out These Smart Ways to Save
Smart thermostats, also known as connected thermostats, are the newest and by most standards, innovative products on the market for residential energy users. The device is Wi-Fi connected so that it can be controlled from smart devices, such as a…
Choosing the right bulb can be confusing. Let our energy experts help.
A new era of lighting has been ushered into our homes, and with it comes new terms that some of us have yet to wrap our minds around. Have you ever gone in to a local store to purchase new…
If you were a SRE member in 1986 or earlier, you may have unclaimed capital credits.
What are capital credits? Singing River Electric’s rate revenue is used to operate, make payments on loans and make improvements to the electrical system. Any remaining revenue is allocated to the members in the form of capital credits. How do…
Curious about how you used more energy this winter?
The answers could be in the palm of your hand. After receiving this month’s power bills, many of us asked, “I know it was very cold, but how did I use that much electricity?” Singing River Electric provides free tools…
It was so cold this winter. Are heat pumps still the best option?
ANSWER: Yes. Heat pumps are three times more efficient than an electric furnace. They are the best choice for heating in south Mississippi. How does a heat pump work? A heat pump works to constantly move warm air from one…
I haven’t touched the thermostat. Why is my bill higher?
ANSWER: Power bills following periods of prolonged cold weather or extreme heat can be higher even when you have not changed the thermostat. Heating and cooling costs make up the largest percentage of a home’s energy use. When the temperature…
Phones will be down for about an hour this evening
Singing River Electric’s phone lines will be down this evening between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., as AT&T completes maintenance to our phone system. Members will be able to view their account and make payments using the SmartHub app during…
MISO Cancels Requests Members Lower Energy Use
UPDATE 10 a.m. – Earlier this morning, our reliability coordinator, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) requested that Cooperative Energy ask our members to curtail their electricity use between 5:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. This request was made in an effort to minimize…
Cooperative Energy Members Experience Critical Energy Shortage
Singing River Electric and other Cooperative Energy member distribution cooperatives experienced a critical energy shortage early Wednesday morning, Jan. 17. This shortage resulted in the cooperative sending a public appeal to the membership to reduce their energy use by…